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National Academic Depository

  • National Academic Depository
    Location: Mumbai Address: 17th Floor, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 Contact: +919022929092 Views: 376 Rating:
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    Trusted Digital Verifiable Convenient Portal for Academic Awards.

    National Academic Depository (NAD) is an initiative of Government of India, facilitated by MHRD.
    NAD is a national database set up to hold academic awards issued by Academic Institutions (AI) in an electronic form.

    CVL NAD is a system of creating and holding award details in electronic form and making them available for Verification to Employers and those Academic Institutions who are offering higher studies.
    CVL NAD aims to bring in a wide range of benefits to Academic Institutions, Students and Employers/Verifiers in the form of enhanced transparency, reduction in costs, better service standards and above all
    mitigates reputation risk by eliminating fake/forged certificates.

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