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    Get Quick & Easy solution for Home Loan against lal dora property land in delhi ncr, Builder floor, DDA housing Flats.

    click here to apply for home loan in delhi

    Advantages and disadvantages of Lal Dora Property land in delhi ncr
    The most important fact about Lal Dora property Land is that there is no house tax up to 200 sq. meters plots. Properties in “Lal Dora” lands in delhi ncr were exempted from the building by laws, and construction norms and related regulations under Delhi Municipal Act dated 1963

    Investments for home against Lal Dora property in delhi is cheaper than other authorized areas due to lower rates. People willing to buy a Lal Dora property land in delhi ncr because Lal Dora land can easily purchase it as the rates are comparatively low.lal dora land for house

    How to get Lal Dora property land certificate in delhi ncr?
    Lal Dora land certificate certifies that the individual is the legal owner of the property. It is a solid proof or one of the most important document that proves an individual’s ownership against the lal dora property land . The owner using this certificate can apply for home electricity, water and other home amenities.

    The Lal Dora property Land certificate is given by the Sub Divisional Magistrate to the owner of the lal dora property land property against the possession of land in delhi ncr. Therefore one has to visit the office of the Sub Divisional Magistrate in order to get the certificate.The documents need to be produced to get the certificate are :
    Properly filled application form including the details of land, owner name,size of the property, purpose of applying for Lal Dora property land Certificate,Khasra No, Ration card printout etc.

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